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Getting Started

I hear it all the time, "I want to get strong and improve my health but I just don't know where to start." This confusion and lack of guidance is the reason why many delay the process even longer and longer.

"The secret to getting to your fitness goals is getting started"

My best advice: Keep it SIMPLE.

Over complicating the process or starting too intense is 1). Unrealistic and 2). Going to feel unnatural - therefore, you won't sustain it long term.

Start with baby steps. It's the little things that will take you a long way. I didn't get to where I am over night. It took years of habitual changes that led to my healthy lifestyle. I never viewed my fitness as a "short term goal", I viewed fitness as a lifestyle.

What's worked with hundreds of my clients:

1). Making small changes to their everyday life that they could actually do and enjoy the process, such as; increasing water intake, eliminating packaged foods, slowly reducing or eliminating sodas/sugary drinks, walking 1 mile in the morning, stretching for 15 minutes or including veggies into 1 meal.

What this does is shows them that they are capable of making changes and results into them feeling accomplished and confident. This is known as positive reinforcement. When you receive positive reinforcement you're more likely to want to do those actions again and again because they feel good to do.

2) AVOID saying "I'll do it later", "I'll start Monday". Later means never and delaying your start to a specific day of the week only shows your lack of interest because if you truly cared about starting you wouldn't wait, you'd just DO it. Actions make changes!

3) To do list(whether you feel like it or not):

Walk 1 mile every day for the first 2 weeks then slowly increase to 1.5 miles, 2 miles, etc. Then eventually jog, until you work your way up to a run. This is just an example. The point is to keep the process as easy and enjoyable as possible to you're likely to crave that exercise rather than dread it.

4) My clients have me for support which is a huge factor. If having a workout partner will hold you more accountable, find someone who shares similar interests as you and wants to improve your health. The truth is: You are who you surround yourself with. If your friends drink, eat poorly on the weekends and lack the drive to improve their health like you do...chances are, you'll follow their actions subconsciously. Be very careful with who you choose to surround yourself with.

5) Worry about the exercise regimen before you go make huge changes to your diet. Again, remember it has to come nature. Once you've gotten into the groove of working out then you can start improving your eating habits.  

These seem to work the best for my clients and have been the fundamental factors that led me to where I am today. I hope you found this helpful! Comment below with any questions. Xo


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